Clockhouse Childminder

As a mother and a childminder previously, I have gained a lot of skills and knowledge. As well as having hands on experience I have also completed a number of courses/workshops (see list below), some of which are required by Ofsted and others I have opted to complete as extra training to help me to provide a high level of quality childcare.

Diploma in Home-Based Childcare: Unit 1 - Introduction to Childcare Practice (Ofsted requirement)

Diploma in Teaching and Entertaining Pre-School Children

EYFS Review Training (Ofsted requirement)

Paediatric First Aid (Ofsted requirement)

National Standards Workshop (Ofsted requirement)

Safeguarding: Child Protection for Childminders (Ofsted requirement)

Channel General Awareness Module

Female Genital Mutilation Recognising and Preventing Training

Foundation in Food Hygiene

Birth to Three - Babies Playing with Treasures (understanding of treasure baskets)

Characteristics Of Effective Learning Training

British Values Training

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